Control is a Rhythm

by Mathilda Kunz

St. Lawrence University

Mathilda Kunz is a current senior at St. Lawrence University. She is a Psychology major with a minor in Statistics.

control is a rhythm

i’m grateful for dreams
even if nightmares last longer
brief moments of light
that fight for control
i lost myself
in winding roads with no home
but i’m grateful to feel, emptiness is cold
exposed bones with thick skin as a coat
but only i decide if i purge myself
from the inside out
i found a way to fix myself
to rid myself of emptiness
the paradox of feeling full
by gaining control
help me to learn that control is a rhythm
not a prison you build around yourself

Interview with the Author

  1. What pieces inspired you to start writing poetry?

    I started writing poetry last semester when I took an intro poetry class and ended up loving it. One of my favorite poets to read is Ocean Vuong and I especially like Someday I’ll Love Ocean Vuong by him. I love how real his poems are, there’s just something so human about them.

  2. What theme do you find yourself constantly writing about in your works?

    I really enjoy writing about complicated and intense emotions. I have found that writing poetry really helps me process difficult emotions. I tend to feel things a lot more than other people and whenever I find myself struggling to process anything, I just write. 

  3. What do you think are important elements in thought provoking poems? 

    I think that thought provoking poems often cover difficult topics, but not always. The poems that have had the greatest impact on me always make me feel something. They also have made me look at myself and situations in my life from different perspectives.

  4. What role do you think poetry has on our society today? 

    I think by being able to be vulnerable and share our emotions with others, we can create a greater sense of empathy and connectedness in our society. Also, writing about challenging subjects can make readers who are struggling feel less alone.


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